最后更新于2024年6月14日星期五14:15:18 GMT

这是 June 2024 Patch Tuesday. 微软今天正在解决51个漏洞, 而且有证据表明其中只有一项是公开披露的. At time of writing, none of the vulnerabilities published today are listed on 中钢协KEV,尽管这总是会发生变化. Microsoft is patching a single critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability today. 本月分别发布了7个浏览器漏洞, 和 are not included in the total.

MSMQ: critical RCE

The sole critical RCE patched today is CVE-2024-30080 for all current versions of Windows. Exploitation requires that an attacker send a specially crafted malicious packet to an MSMQ server, which Patch Tuesday watchers will know as a perennial source of vulnerabilities. As usual, Microsoft points out that the Windows message queuing service is not enabled by default; as usual, Rapid7 笔记 that a number of applications – including Microsoft Exchange – quietly introduce MSMQ as part of their own installation routine. 这是典型的MSMQ RCE漏洞, CVE-2024-30080 receives a high CVSSv3 base score due to the network attack vector, low attack complexity, 和 lack of required privileges. Code execution is presumably in a SYSTEM context, although the advisory does not specify.

Office: malicious file RCEs

Microsoft Office receives patches for a pair of RCE-via-malicious-file vulnerabilities. CVE-2024-30101 is a vulnerability in Outlook; although the Preview Pane is a vector, the user must subsequently perform unspecified specific actions to trigger the vulnerability 和 the attacker must win a race condition. On the other h和, CVE-2024-30104 没有预览窗格作为矢量, 但最终与稍高的CVSS基础得分7.8,因为利用完全依赖于用户打开一个恶意文件.

SharePoint: RCE

这个月还发布了SharePoint RCE的补丁 CVE-2024-30100. The advisory is sparing on details, 和 the context of code exploitation is not clear. The weakness is described as CWE-426: Untrusted 搜索 Path; many (but not all) vulnerabilities associated with CWE-426 lead to elevation of privilege.

DNSSEC NSEC3: CPU exhaustion DoS

现在是完全不同的东西: ​​CVE-2023-50868,描述了DNSSEC中的拒绝服务漏洞. 此漏洞存在于DNSSEC规范本身中, CVE由MITRE代表DNSSEC指定. Microsoft’s implementation of DNSSEC is thus subject to the same attack as other implementations. An attacker can exhaust CPU resources on a DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver by dem和ing responses from a DNSSEC-signed zone, 如果解析器使用NSEC3来响应请求. NSEC3 is designed to provide a safe way for a DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver to indicate that a requested resource does not exist. Under certain circumstances, the DNS resolver must perform thous和s of iterations of a hash function to calculate an NSEC3 response, 这就是DoS漏洞的基础. 所有当前版本的Windows Server今天都会收到补丁.

Typically, when Microsoft publishes a security advisory 和 describes the vulnerability as publicly disclosed, 公开披露将是最近的事. 然而, in the case of CVE-2023-50868, DNSSEC的漏洞是在2024-02-13首次公开披露的. The advisory acknowledges four academics from the German National Research Centre for Applied Cybersecurity (ATHENE), which is perhaps of interest since these same researchers are authors on a March 2024 academic paper that downplays the DoS potential of CVE-2023-50868. 这些研究人员公布了另一个DNSSEC漏洞 CVE-2023-50387 (也被称为KeyTrap)在2024年1月, which they describe as having potentially serious implications; Microsoft patched that one at the next scheduled opportunity in February. The CVE-2023-50868 advisory published today does not provide further insight as to why this vulnerability wasn’t patched sooner; a reasonable assumption might be that Microsoft assesses CVE-2023-50868 as less urgent/critical than CVE-2023-50387, although both receive a rating of Important on Microsoft’s proprietary severity ranking scale. 这是 also possible that Microsoft does not wish to be the only major server OS vendor without a patch.

Lifecycle update

There are no significant changes to the lifecycle phase of Microsoft products this month. 今年7月,微软SQL Server 2014将会发布 move past the end of extended support. From August onwards, Microsoft only guarantees to provide SQL Server 2014 security updates to customers who choose to participate in the paid Extended Security 更新 program.

Summary Charts

A bar chart showing the distribution of vulnerabilities by impact type for Microsoft Patch Tuesday June 2024.
A heatmap showing the distribution of vulnerabilities by impact 和 affected component for Microsoft Patch Tuesday June
No spoofing. No security feature bypass. 尽管有很多特权的提升.

Summary Tables

Azure vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-37325 Azure Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 8.1
CVE-2024-35252 Azure存储移动客户端库拒绝服务漏洞 No No 7.5
CVE-2024-35254 Azure监视器代理权限提升漏洞 No No 7.1
CVE-2024-35255 Azure Identity Libraries 和 Microsoft Authentication Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 5.5
CVE-2024-35253 Microsoft Azure文件同步特权提升漏洞 No No 4.4

Browser vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-5499 Chromium: CVE-2024-5499越界写入流API No No N/A
CVE-2024-5498 Chromium: CVE-2024-5498在演示API中免费使用 No No N/A
CVE-2024-5497 Chromium: CVE-2024-5497键盘输入中内存访问越界 No No N/A
CVE-2024-5496 Chromium: CVE-2024-5496在媒体会话免费后使用 No No N/A
CVE-2024-5495 Chromium: CVE-2024-5495黎明免费后使用 No No N/A
CVE-2024-5494 Chromium: CVE-2024-5494黎明免费后使用 No No N/A
CVE-2024-5493 修复:CVE-2024-5493在webbrtc堆缓冲区溢出 No No N/A

Developer Tools vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-29187 GitHub: CVE-2024-29187 WiX Burn-based bundles are vulnerable to binary hijack when run as SYSTEM No No 7.3
CVE-2024-29060 Visual Studio特权提升漏洞 No No 6.7
CVE-2024-30052 Visual Studio远程代码执行漏洞 No No 4.7

ESU vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30074 Windows Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8
CVE-2024-30075 Windows Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8

Microsoft Dynamics vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-35249 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-35248 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.3
CVE-2024-35263 Microsoft Dynamics 365(本地)信息泄露漏洞 No No 5.7

Microsoft Office vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30103 Microsoft Outlook远程代码执行漏洞 No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30100 Microsoft SharePoint服务器远程代码执行漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30104 Microsoft Office远程代码执行漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30101 Microsoft Office远程代码执行漏洞 No No 7.5
CVE-2024-30102 Microsoft Office远程代码执行漏洞 No No 7.3

Windows vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30064 Windows内核特权提升漏洞 No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30068 Windows内核特权提升漏洞 No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30097 Microsoft Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30085 Windows Cloud Files Mini Filter Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30089 微软流媒体服务特权提升漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30072 Microsoft Event Trace Log File Parsing Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-35265 Windows感知服务特权提升漏洞 No No 7
CVE-2024-30088 Windows内核特权提升漏洞 No No 7
CVE-2024-30099 Windows内核特权提升漏洞 No No 7
CVE-2024-30076 Windows Container 经理服务特权提升漏洞 No No 6.8
CVE-2024-30096 Windows Cryptographic 服务信息泄露漏洞 No No 5.5
CVE-2024-30069 Windows Remote Access Connection 经理 Information Disclosure Vulnerability No No 4.7

Windows ESU vulnerabilities

CVE Title Exploited? Publicly disclosed? CVSSv3 base score
CVE-2024-30080 微软消息队列(MSMQ)远程代码执行漏洞 No No 9.8
CVE-2024-30078 Windows Wi-Fi驱动程序远程代码执行漏洞 No No 8.8
CVE-2024-30077 Windows OLE远程代码执行漏洞 No No 8
CVE-2024-30086 Windows Win32内核子系统特权提升漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30062 Windows St和ards-Based Storage Management Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30094 Windows Routing 和 Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30095 Windows Routing 和 Remote Access Service (RRAS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 7.8
CVE-2024-35250 Windows内核模式驱动程序特权提升漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30082 Win32k特权提升漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30087 Win32k特权提升漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30091 Win32k特权提升漏洞 No No 7.8
CVE-2024-30083 Windows St和ards-Based Storage Management Service Denial of Service Vulnerability No No 7.5
CVE-2023-50868 MITRE: CVE-2023-50868 NSEC3最近外壳证明可以耗尽CPU No 是的 7.5
CVE-2024-30070 DHCP服务器拒绝服务漏洞 No No 7.5
CVE-2024-30093 Windows存储特权提升漏洞 No No 7.3
CVE-2024-30084 Windows内核模式驱动程序特权提升漏洞 No No 7
CVE-2024-30090 微软流媒体服务特权提升漏洞 No No 7
CVE-2024-30063 Windows Distributed File System (DFS) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability No No 6.7
CVE-2024-30066 Winlogon特权提升漏洞 No No 5.5
CVE-2024-30067 Winlogon特权提升漏洞 No No 5.5
CVE-2024-30065 Windows主题拒绝服务漏洞 No No 5.5


  • 2024-06-12修正了参考CVE-2023-50868时的一个错别字.


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